Appointments Available 7 Days a week for various services
Direct Billing to most Insurance Companies
There is no HST on Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, or Naturopathic Medicine services
The following is a summary of our clinical fees. For a detailed breakdown of what these fees include, please scroll down:
Registered Massage Therapy (HST included in this listed fee):
60 and 30 minute massages are most commonly requested.
BioFlex Laser is an additional $10.00
Custom Made Orthotics:
Our clinic is a Greenshield preferred provider
No additional cost for fittings and follow ups (some exceptions apply)
Naturopathic Medicine & Acupuncture:
Initial Naturopathic Visit
Subsequent Naturopathic Visits:
Acupuncture: if this is your first time with Dr. Tse, then your first visit should be booked as an "Initial Acupuncture/Cupping Visit"
If blood work or supplements are suggested, this will be an additional fee quoted to you at the time
Concussion Care
Medical Grade Compression Stockings
Orthopedic Supports and Braces
Initial Chiropractic Visit
A thorough health history screen and a physical exam are completed.
The physical exam consists of neurological, orthopaedic, and chiropractic testing
Report of Findings consists of recommendations, treatment plan and a diagnosis
After any questions are answered treatment is then performed
Typical time required (depending on case complexity) – 40 minutes
Cost of Initial visit including treatment:
Regular- $115.00
Senior (65 & older)-$100.00
Student (must be a full-time student at the time of your visit; please bring your student card)- $95.00
Child (17 & under if not a student)-$95.00
Additional fees may be applicable with new complaints or re-evaluations
This fee INCLUDES your treatment in most cases
There is no HST on Chiropractic Services
Subsequent Chiropractic Visit
Depending on the needs and preferences of the patient, services that may be included are:
Cost of Subsequent Visit:
Regular – $45
Senior (65 & older)- $39
Student (must be a full-time student at the time of your visit; pls bring your student card) -$37
Child (17 & under if not in school) - $37
There is no HST on Chiropractic Visits
MedX LASER Therapy and BioFlex LASER Therapy
Also known as phototherapy; low level lasers use a specific type of light to penetrate the skin’s surface and underlying tissue to stimulate the body’s natural repair process. This results in faster healing and reduced pain, swelling and inflammation.
Please call to inquire on this service
Custom Orthotics by a Chiropractor
Questions to ask your insurer:
Who can write the prescription for orthotics? Your policy may require a prescription from your medical doctor.
What methods of casting are accepted?
What is the dollar value and percentage value of coverage for orthotics?
How often does the coverage renew and does it renew after a 12 month period or every calendar year?
Do I have Chiropractic coverage? The cost of a foot and gait assessment alone is $50.00.
Fee Breakdown for Custom Orthotics:
The cost of an assessment by a Chiropractor (covered under "Chiropractic"):
The cost of casting, orthotic devices, dispensing and follow up visits (covered under "custom-made orthotics" NOT "Chiropractic"):
A non-refundable deposit of $100.00 is due when the orthotics are ordered. This will be deducted from the total cost of $500.00 upon payment in full/after services completely rendered and orthotics are dispensed.
The total cost for Custom Made Orthotics:
$550.00 (Chiropractor's assessment, custom orthotics, and any necessary follow ups)
Registered Massage Therapy
RMT’s provide a comprehensive intervention that prevents, develops, maintains, rehabilitates or augments physical function and/or relieves pain. Cupping and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation is available with certain RMTs.
Cost of Registered Massage Therapy:
120 minutes- $175.00
90 minutes- $145.00
75 minutes- $130.00
60 minutes- $105.00
45 minutes- $90.00
30 minutes- $75.00
Note: 30 and 60 minute appointments are the most common.
These fees INCLUDE HST
Cost of Hot Stone Massage (HST included)- We apologize, this service is currently not available
Naturopathic Medicine
For detailed information on 'what to expect during your visits with Dr. Tse please visit the "services" tab and then click on "Naturopathic Medicine"
Initial Naturopathic Visit (60-75min-length of appointment is approximate)- $215.00
Second Visit Naturopathic: Lab Results, Diagnosis, Treatment Protocol (60 min, length of appointment is approximate)- $150.00
Subsequent Visit Naturopath (Follow up)- (length of appointment is approximate)
60 minutes: $165.00 (Second visit, re-assessments or evaluation of a new concern)
45 minutes: $135.00
30 minutes: $90.00
15 minutes: $50.00
Vitamin Injections: Service $25 plus the vitamin (Vitamin B12 $8.00 and Vitamin D3 $12.00) (coming soon!)
Acupuncture by a Naturopathic Doctor (billed under "Naturopathy" not "Acupuncture")-
60 minute appointment: $90.00
45 minutes appointment: $75.00
30 minute appointment: $60.00
60 minute Facial Rejuvenation: $150.00 (not offered at the moment)
Cupping Therapy by a Naturopathic Doctor (billed under "Naturopathy" not "Acupuncture")-
30 minute Stationary Cupping: $60.00
There is no HST on Naturopathy services.
Please note: if you are only interested in Acupuncture or Cupping, you may book an "Initial Acupuncture/Cupping Visit"
Purchase of Portable TENS Units
Covered by most extended health care plans. May require a prescription from your family doctor.
Compression Stockings/Socks (15-20 mmHg, 20-30 mmHg, 30-40 mmHg)
Please call for details as many different stockings are available